Berry Healthy Tea Tonic

Berry Healthy Tea Tonic

Berry Healthy Tea Tonic 

This time of year is is crucial we keep our immune systems strong.

The change of weather, the change in sunlight, the stress from the holidays and family gatherings all take their toll on our healthy. 

One of our favorite ways to manage our health is by drinking herbal tea. 

Our Berry Healthy tea is perfect for this cold-weather. 

Berry Healthy is a popular full flavored caffeine free herbal tea with elderberries, notes of sweet currants and soft underlying tart notes of hibiscus. 

Bold berry flavor and sweet cherry-like notes. The hibiscus adds a tart dimension to the blend which makes it very refreshing. The currants give the tea a very distinctive fruity and tangy character that brightens with a dash of sugar.

When you are feeling down and out, give our Berry Healthy Tea Tonic a try.  


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